Maintenance, Installation and Repair for Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical and Electronic Engineering T Level | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

In today’s world, Engineers work in an environment that encompasses the use of cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions. Engineering is a fast-moving, exciting career which incorporates the continuing development of products and systems, where you could find yourself designing the next generation of smartphones, programming robots, manufacturing components for fighter jets or developing sustainable energy.

This course consists of advanced electrical and electronic engineering, such as measurement and testing, application of electronic devices and circuits, programme logic controllers and industrial robot technology. You will gain an understanding of the engineering sector, covering topics such as: maintenance, installation and repair requirements, fault detection and diagnosis, isolation and resolution methods, communication for maintenance, installation and repair activities.

A two-year course that has been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares learners for work. This T level consists of a technical qualification in maintenance, installation and repair for engineering and manufacturing, an employer set project designed to develop core knowledge and skills, and an occupational specialism in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
The qualification includes a mixture of classroom learning and on-the-job experience during a mandatory industry placement of at least 45 days.

Engineering core units may include:

  • Health and safety principles
  • Engineering and manufacturing
  • Mathematics and science for engineering and manufacturing
  • Materials and their properties
  • Mechanical principles
  • Electrical and electronic principles
  • Project and programme management
  • Business, commercial and financial awareness.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering occupational specialism units may include:

  • Construction and operation of standard power conversion systems
  • Application of component classification, numbering and referencing systems
  • How components are removed, replaced and repaired as part of electrical and electronic systems
  • Skills to plan and prepare electrical and electronic maintenance activities using analysis and evaluation
  • Skills to select and use tools, equipment, machinery and technology safely and effectively to complete maintenance, installation and repair activities.

Assessment Methods

You will be assessed through written and practical examinations, employer set projects, group work and presentations. You will be set targets to work towards and achieve in your mandatory placement to help you develop the skills you need for your second-year practical assessment.

Progression Options

On successful completion you will have developed the knowledge and skills required for employment or an Apprenticeship. Furthermore, thecompletion of this qualification gives you the opportunity to progress on to higher education courses and training, you could progress onto the 
Electrical and Electronic Engineering HNC at University Centre Somerset.

Course Summary

Course Title Maintenance, Installation and Repair for Engineering and Manufacturing, Electrical and Electronic Engineering T Level
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 4 range including English and higher maths at grade 5 or above. A keen interest in the topic.
Entry is subject to a successful interview. Other considerations: a Level 2 vocational qualification or equivalent in a related subject, with Merit profile maths.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


I really enjoy studying here. My lessons have a friendly atmosphere and the tutors push me to be the best I can be. Studying here has allowed me to gain the qualifications I need to go on to a degree!

Myles Fisher

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